It is hard to belive that is has been an year, since I stated this blog, 200 posts.
And what a year it has been! I have met alot of people, and have made a few friends,along the way to boot!
I have learned alot from some very smart people, have had my mind changed on alot, that I thought were one way, but found out it wasn't. I have alot of people to thank for helping me grow in many area's of my life. and I want to thank you for letting me be apart of your life, and you for being apart of mine!
God bless YOU all
*I'm reading a new book , if you havn't read it let. Please do!
HAVING A MARY SPIRIT ( ALLOWING GOD TO CHANGE US From the inside out) by Joanna Weaver!
Wow, 200 posts in one year! Way to go, girl! I've enjoyed getting to know you too and look forward to continuing that. I have loved blogging and the many friends I've made. I will also check out that book you recommended.
Janice it is with my pleasure to share cyberspace with you! Thanks for being my friend and I ain't gonna stop being your friend! Just keep up all the good posts that you have been doing? Blessings To You! Grandpaw.
I love what you have done to your blog.
Many blessings,
Congratulations JEL. I like your blog, it can either be light viewing or heavy thoughts. Thanks.
I have a Christian friend who gave up her Web site. I'm trying to get her to have a blog. She writes Christian poetry.
All that to say your blog is one that I will be showing her.
Janice....I remember the day you started blogging...thanks for all the beautiful, heartfelt posts, but mostly for your friendship...
Just plain old- Happy Anniversary!
I just had a chocolate mini-donut to you ;) [well, OK I had two]
happy bloggedity-anniversary ... i'm so happy you popped into my life!
Hey sweetie! Happy blog-o-versary! Glad you are here!
I read a lot of blogs and enjoy a small blog community, but your blog is one of the more unique ones I check on a regular basis. You do some very good work with photography. Thanks for sharing your gift with us. And congrats on one year and 200 posts!
Sending you the recording this morning will be a brithday present of sorts. Congratulations!!!
thank you jel
well done
Dear Jel...Look what WE have gained by your entering the blog world!
We have sunshine in our hearts and on our shoulders even when it is dark and gloomy and cloudy outside.
YOU are our found treasure!
Happy Blog Anniversary!!...Love Terry
thank you all!
Happy belated blogaversary!!! Sorry for being late, but I am not going to let it pass.
I am so grateful for having found your blog. You are an inspiration and encouragement to me! Thanks, dear sister! :-)
God's Grace.
Congratulations, Janice. You and your blog are a blessing. I hope your next year is even better than the first.
Hi, Janice,
Congratulations on your anniversary! Your blog is a blessing, and I always enjoy your visits.
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