8 days and no power! We knew that it was coming, and knew it would be bad, but didn't know it would be as bad, as it got!
The storm, didn't just get one state, it took a few more , and there are some who still don't have power to this day! It hit a alot of people hard, and not just people , it hurt alot of animals, and the wildlife, and it hurt the trees the most! This is the first time we have ever seen an ice storm that has taking so many trees down.
I want to thank all the people that were and are out there working too get the power back on, they put their lifes on the line , to get the lines back up so we can get our lives back online!
The storm stared on Friday nite, first the rain came , then it turn to ice, it came down hard and fast, and by morning , ya just knew it would be a different world out side !
And that is where, my story starts , and I will tell you in a few days,
Beautiful pics!
Thanks for sharing.
Spiritual Oasis Blog
I'd enjoy a little snow here but certainly not what you got. I especially like the first picture but they are all good.
Hey Jan I been enjoying the pictures but I had to go to town and get another can of W D forty to grease up my joints where Arthur lives . This 50 degree weather we got is bad enough. I would have loved the ice and snow about 7 years ago because then I was confortable with just a couple of shirts on! Blessings . Grandpaw.
Janice....I can't remember the year the ice storm hit upstate NY...but what I can remember is standing on my patio at about 2:00 in the morning....listening to the trees...almost as though they were crying and moan..the creaking and breaking of the limbs...(I actually wrote a poem about it; I must look for it)...anyways, it was the most eerie sound...and I remember feeling so helpless...many trees were lost...the pics you took are incredibly beautiful despite the loss... Blessings to you....
We had a storm like that four years ago.
Tough on everything. Though it did make it more pleasant that summer without all the insects.
Those icicles are the longest for trees that I have ever seen. Nice pictures.
I'm glad you found one of those cardinals yesterday.
We had one of those 6 or so years ago and the trees in the ravine behind the house are still bent. The ones that survivied. That first photograph is fantastic, you should submit it somewhere.
wow, that was some storm, we barely get any snow or ice here. Glad you are okay, hugs to you and your family, prayers to all who are still without power.
Wow now I know why I moved from Illinois to the South EAST!! Just cold weather here...no ICE, no SNOW, just cold!! I can handle that!! I lived in Illinois most all of my life except for the past 6 years!! I know it is pretty but the devastation and the power outages and all of the mess and the wreaks are just awful!!
Thanks for stopping by today!! Come back again any time. Sandy flip flop!!
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