When I was little, and I would watch the lighting Flash in the sky, and listen to the thunder. I thought they were having a party in heaven! The lighting Flashes , were them take pictures, and the thunder was them bowling!
and then when it would start to rain, I thought Jesus was crying!
I would love to be able to stand under that waterfall on a hot summer day.
That is just plain beautiful.
I love it!!
Hi Jel ~~ Thaks for visiting Herons Nest and leaving a comment. It is
nice to see a new face, so welcome.
You have some lovely photos here.
Cheers, Merle.
I was also told when I was young about thunder being the angels playing a game of bowling in Heaven. Very nice picture.
I so enjoyed that. It was wonderful!
Joe, I bet it would have been, but we were there in the fall, and it was cold, :)
M. C., LLL,Merle,
thank you Girls, thanks for coming over!
PJ, David, won't that be cool when we get up there, the heavenly bowlers :)
I love the thunder and rain and storms.
Beautiful picture. Beautiful post.
Have a blessed day.
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