Jesus has a rockingchair!
is a song that I hear along time ago, and I can't remember who sung it, but it was a great song!
Well some of you know that I listen to Turning Point with Dr. David Jermiah, and his series this week has been, What you always wanted to know about heaven?
and yesterday's was about the childen ,
when a little child dies, before the age of accountable, do they go to heaven? and yes they do! they go to heaven autommatically. and even the baby's that don't get to see the light of day are there! I have always wondered about this, and am so glad that one of these days I will get to hold my baby !
Well this got me to thinking of this song,
Hi jel, thanks for the visit to peterspictures, glad you stopped by, call anytime.
Hi Jel ~~ I enjoyed this post and also
The Visitor, it is terrific and I
printed it for a friend.
Thanks again for my birthday wishes and glad you enjoy the jokes etc.
Peter is my brother and he will be 70
on Sunday 28th May.
Take care, Merle.
thanks you 2 for stopping by here, you 2 look like brother and sister, you have the same smile! :)
hope you have a great birthday Peter,
and Merle, print away, the Vistor was send to me from a friend, hope you friend likes it!
have a great weekend and a safe on too!
Good day!
Hi Jel
That is so wonderful isn't it.
God is the Greatest
Bless you
Your Brother
Great will be the joy as mums and dads get to hold the children whom God has cared for in heaven.
I look forward to meeting the unborn of my womb.
Jel: Isn't it great that we get to see our kids in Heaven. Me and my wife have had 4 miscarriages. I just can't waite to see them in Heaven.
I too will hold mine..thanks for visiting my blog janice and being a friend.
God Bless
thank you all for leaving your thought here , they mean alot to me! Thanks again!
God bless you all!
Hi again Jel ~~ Thanks for your visit.
Thank you, I am well and enjoying life
as I hope you are. My weekend is half over as it's Saturday night. I still have to do my post. Cheers, Merle.
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