his mother- in- law , broke her hip Friday,
her name is Norma,
so please keep them in your prayers!
thank you!
Dear Blog Family
Just wanted to stop by, and thank you all for your prayers, they mean a lot to me!
I'm hopeing next week, I will be back to bug you all, till then! :)
thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!
We continue to pray.
Your pictures have been beautiful!
Will pray. Us bloggers got to stick together.
Looking forward to having you back.
God bless. :)
Hi, janice,
Thanks for your prayers for friends who are hurting.
Thank you for bringing the blog family to prayer through your blog.
Your pictures are beautiful!
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for your broken body, it is for Normas's healing, Janices' family, my family healing & all our brothers & sisters healing!
Thank you by your stripes, by the beating you bore, by the lashes which fell on our back, we are completely healed. We believe & receive!
In Psalm 107:20 it is written "You sent your words & healed them, & delivered them from their destructions"
We as your beloved, believe your promise & we thank you, in a name above all, Christ Jesus our King!
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