Dear Blog Family
Just wanted to stop by, and thank you all for your prayers, they mean a lot to me!
I'm hopeing next week, I will be back to bug you all, till then! :)
thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!
I wasn't going to post to day!
but I was at my mom's this morning, and she had the TV on, and the news was on, and they were talking about a little girl, that was killed, in OK. and it got to me, I just want to take a moment, to pray for the little ones, and for the parents, that have lost,and for the ones who's little ones are sick!
Please hugg your kids, no matter the age of them, tell them you Love them!
5: Indeed,You have made my days as handbreadths,
And my age is as nothing before You;
Certainly every man at his best state is but vapor. Selah
6: Surely every man walks, about like a shadow;
*handbreadths-width of the palm of the hand.
*Selah-(1) a word which appears in the Psalms 71 times.
it's probably a musical note, or pause.
this is my fav. verse
Isaiah 40:31
this is a picture of an eagle, taking off from a tree by a river, One day we went for a drive , after church, and was driving to a state park that we live by, and my husband saw this eagle sitting in a tree, by the river , so we went to see if I could get a shot of it, I have been trying to get a shot , for a long time, well the good Lord smile on me that day, I got to get a few shoot of the eagle before it took of!
IT was a very good day! :)
have a great week