May the good LORD
wrap his mighty arms
around you , that you
know his love for you
is unending!
you have heared that an
apple a day keeps the Dr.
away. But have you heard
that a bear hug a day, will
keep loneliness at BAY!
I have posted this picture before.
I want to talk about the words to this song. Are we thankful for the valleys that we go though, I know some of us have gone though a deeper valley , then some. And for some it has made them stronger in their faith.
I catch mysef felling sorry for me, because something has happen, that I didn't like and said WHY ME, why does this happen to me ! instead I should be saying WHY NOT ME! So give thanks for all things, good or bad, So Thank you for this Valley LORD!
Amazing Grace
Have you ever heared Amazing Grace, played
by the bagpipe? I t is AWESOME (I love that word)
I have always loved that old hymn, we have sung it in church so many times, Did you know that there was a story behind that song? I didn't , if I did I forgot it! well I'm here to tell ya there is :) . and it is a book that I'm reading now, and it is (CAPTURED by GRACE ) by David Jeremiah.
The Book is about 2 men that were CAPTURED by GRACE. The lyrics to Amazing Grace were by John Newton, and the words from the APOSTLE Paul! THIS IS A MUST READ!!!!