Wednesday, March 14, 2007

this is for BP, Chris, and Lisa's Dad!

I can be funny to, at times!


Saija said...

love it!
made me chuckle ...

dot said...

My MY, what a face! Looks like one of my relatives.

Stoogelover said...

This guy used to go to our church!

Bob Bliss said...

Looks like me in the morning! Great picture!

Terry said...

Greg...My husband never went to your church!
Who ya' trying to fool anyways?......Terry

Brian Nicklaus said...

that is funny...but

Where did you get a picture of Lisa?


Anonymous said...

OH NO! I was totally getting on to make a joke about the resemblance to all 3 ... and Brain had me beat. Ouch!! So not funny.

(that's what I get, I guess)

for you BP -- :P

Lisa said...

What does it say about most of us that we had to make a joke about it looking like someone else we know?

(Here's my picture so everyone can see for themselves what a mean guy Brian is)

Anonymous said...

Terry was your husband down in south Ga. I seen him in Walmarts the other day? How often does he get loose? Ron.

floots said...

if ever i'm on a bus this guy will always come and sit next to me :)

Jim said...

That BP, Chris, and Lisa's Dad are lucky to have you for a friend!

Anonymous said...

I like this guy. I could have coffee with this fella.

The more I look at 'it' the more I see my mother-in-law.


Pat Paulk said...

Anybody you know personally??? Too funny. Thanks for the laugh!!

Anonymous said...

Ain't he cute!

Anonymous said...

Jel-Thanks for the head's up. I guess in a normal family AW's comment might couse me to sock him in the arm, but my family is far from unfortunately some zoo creatures are excellent representatives for my family members! :)Sue

Paula Harrington said...

I think he's cute and yes he does remind me of Brian. :)

Anonymous said...

When God created the animals He had a sense of humor. And when He created man He must have burst out laughing many times. WOW, this guy is ugly unless you are a female ape or gorilla or whatever he/she is. it is a good picture for a good day.

Brian Nicklaus said...

there are beautiful woodpeckers on our suet, but my camera still has a finished role of film and I am afraid it broke while rolling it up. so i need to take it to the shop and have them remove it carefully in the dark room, but I will have to pay $12 to get the roll developed there. what a dilemma.
all the while, we got snow here, and a cute black and white with red hair woodpecker eating right outisde a window!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

that is too funny... Loving the banter it created as well.