We interupt this regular program, to bring you a word from our host!
Good afternoon !
First off I want to thank you all who sent well wishes , my way. it is still hanging on, but we can't let a cold keep us down can we :)
On with what I would like to tell you , there is this cd and movie , I think some of you might like , and that is Chis Rice ( Short Term Memories) Chris writes most of the songs that he sings. They are very inspiring songs for the young and for the old alike :) this is a very cool cd.
2 of my fav. are ( Go light your world , and the Cartoon song ) thats the song that got me hooked on the Cd. Thanks RM
Now on to the Movies on DVD ( The Second Chance ) with Michel W Smith and Jeff OBafemi Carr.
It's about a Wealthy Church and it's sister church, in the city's poorest neighorhood.
and the Special Features are a must see to! but the movie is Rated PG13
Well that's all for now we will get back to our regular progaming somtime this coming week.
till then good day, and have a great week!
We can check into those, if you're sold it speaks nicely for them.
Sorry the cold is hanging on. You are too, I'm glad. Just get better now than 'hanging on.'
That green KatyDid does a lot, the other has had it and doesn't do anything
It wasn't there the next morning so either the wind blew it off the porch and the ants got it. :)
.. :)
Hi there!
I'm sorry the audio skipped on my podcast for you.
Perhaps it didn't fully download, and it kept trying to play at a speed faster than it was receiving it.
If wanted, I would be happy to burn it onto a CD for you.
I burned the CD for you...
Where shall I send it?
Twice today I heard his song "Untitled Hymn" "Come to Jesus" It has been on my mind all day. I finally heard one announcer say who it was, and I'm going to the bookstore tomorrow to look for it.
Thanks for the visit today! I enjoyed your company and your comments. I do hope that nasty cold goes away for you soon. Summer colds are the worst.
Have a good day today. (PS...love the smiling rock below too!!!)
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