when I was little, today was the day I had waited on the whole year!
today was my day, Dad would take us to the BIG city, to Arby's , then on to grandma's house for her homemade cheesecake, and the Fair started that week to !
Funny how things goes when your little , you can't wait to grow up,
then when you do, you wish you could be little again :) you are welcome to have cake and ice cream with me today!
Happy, happy!
and thank you, thank you!
Happy B Day to you Janice.....
God Bless
Hey I knew there was a special connection between us. Guess what? Today is Debbie's birthday as well! What a kawinkydink!!
Hope it's a good one. You deserve the best.
Happy Birthday! I'll have to pass on the cake and ice cream, but enjoy extra for me!
Happy b-day. You sure haven't aged much from those pictures. HAve a great 40 plus b-day. I myself don't have b-day's anymore I have anniversaries. I started them when I turned 30. It sounds a lot better when you tell everyone that you're having your second anniversary. Have a great week. Make sure the hubby takes you somewhere nice.
Happy Birthday....40's is an awesome decade....I pray God's blessings!!
Hey, sis,
Great memories. Pop was always proud of his little skinned squirrel! Check your email I sent a pic of Nicole that looks like you at that age.
Happy Birthday!
Love ya,
CS said there was free cake and ice cream over here. Thanks for sharing.
Happy birthday!!!!!!!
Happy birthday! May the Lord fill your day with joyous laughter and fond thoughts.
Tea and cake, please?
Happy Birthday! Thanks for stopping by on your special day. Wish I'd had a happier post for you to read. Enjoy the entire day!
Happy birthday, Janice. Try to stay cool!
will there be any of that home-made cheesecake
i'm on my way
thank you
Happy Belated Birthday, Sister Janice!
How I wish I could be there for your party & give you a big hug!
I love cheese cake!! May the Lord Keep you & Bless you always...
Happy Belated Birthday, Janice!
You 're still a lot younger than I, though.
Happy belated birthday!!! And yes, fried green tomatoes are the best!!!
ya got that right! :)
and thanks Pat
happy birthday
Well, you share the same birthday as my daughter! And thank you again for praying for my preemie granddaughter. Blessings to you!
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