Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;
so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's
Psalm 103:5
Jesus is coming soon!
Want to be certain you are going to Heaven?
then just say.............
just say in your own way , now
Jesus forgive me for my sins.
Thank you for dying for my sins.
Please come into my Heart and Life .
I surrender my life to your will.
Did you do it?
Then He is in your heart and life to stay!
Rev 3:20
Have you seen the little cards that have saying on them , that you carry in your pocket? Well as mom and I was going though her stuff we found a few of them and here is one that I thought someone would like to see! I wish I knew who wrote it. because I would thank them for writting it!
I would rather have one little rose from the garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers, When my stay on earth must end.
I would rather have one pleasant word in kindness said to me Then flattery when my heart is still And life has ceased to be.
I would rather have a loving smile from Friends I know are true Then tears shed round my casket. when this world I've bid adieu
Bring me all your flowers today, whether pink or white or red I've rather have one blossom now Then a truck load when I'm dead!
when I was little, today was the day I had waited on the whole year!
today was my day, Dad would take us to the BIG city, to Arby's , then on to grandma's house for her homemade cheesecake, and the Fair started that week to !
Funny how things goes when your little , you can't wait to grow up,
then when you do, you wish you could be little again :) you are welcome to have cake and ice cream with me today!