Tuesday, December 08, 2009

shopping at the mall at CHRISTmas time!


Saija said...

just popping by with a big ole HI!
and checking out your fine snapshots! :o)

Corry said...

I so love your photos, you really have an eye for beauty and know how to capture it.

We had our grandsons for almost two weeks and I am wore out and filled up at the same time. I hope God will bless us with seeing them on a regular base now.

God's Grace.

Stoogelover said...

Very good!

jel said...

hey Saija, a BIG HI back :)

thanks Corry,
hope u and KC, had a good time with the boys :)

thanks Greg!

Rulan said...

Love the photo and your comment. "Shopping at the mall". :-)