Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Fred said...

Nothing like a head butt amongst friends!

jeleasure said...

Hey jel,
You may or may not believe this. However, I used the innitials of my name "J", "E", "L" as my username for a forum I used to participate in. I attempted to use it for blogspot, but it was taken.
I thought, 'that can't be'. But, here you are.

Cute picture of the two animals.

Felisol said...

Dear Jel,
thanks for flying by.
Thought I would return, and read your
from introduction that your were from Mo. Could that be that state of Montana? I have been wondering if some from my mother´s dad, my granddad´s, state would pop up.
During the depression my granddad came over from Norway to live with his brother in Big Timber for 18 years and make money for a new farm, as he had lost his old.

He fulfilled his intentions, and bought a Norwegian farm where I spent my best vacations in my childhood.
He certainly had not forgotten his mother tongue, but to his animals he would always speak English.
And he read the Big Timber News for the rest of his life!

From Felisol

Robin said...

Cute :)