Wednesday, May 14, 2008

what do you think he is thinking?

and be nice!


Anonymous said...

I'm telling you one more time GRANDPAW get out of my way ?.*%@!~`+=-_:;">>??


Anonymous said...

I said, "NO PICTURES!!!"

Anonymous said...

"Hmmm, photographer stew for dinner..."

Great shot Jel. Glad to see you are around after all those storms.

Donnycon said...

Wow, did you take this. Because it looks like he is charging at you. Scary.

jel said...

those are some ones, Grandpaw, lisa, and Mike, Thanks

and yes I'm ready for some sun!

hey Donny, yes I took the pic, but i was inside my car when i did,

David Kirk said...

"Destroy that blogger!" he says.

Felisol said...

"Who stole my new set of teeth?"

Calfkeeper said...

He is saying:

"Hello,'s about a hug!"

Tom said...

He's saying,

“Wow, nice camera looks like a 10x optical zoom with exchangeable lens capability, auto red-eye reduction and at least 6 mega pixel res. Oh, if only I had thumbs”.

J C said...

"I know I dropped it right here!"

Beverly said...

Hi, Janice,
I love your photos. Hope you're having a good week.

jel said...

hey them are some good sayings!

thanks all for stoping by

Amrita said...

He got that mean look in the eye and is saying"I 'm gonna get you.

We 've had dust storms and last night a rain storm.

Corry said...

"What wind blew you in here?"

I saw several while we were out exploring. They are so cute! At least they look cute, hehe.


God's Grace.

Robin said...

Cool picture, Great comments, and I'm so glad you were in your car when you took the picture - I'd have been scared - majorly scared.