Wednesday, June 16, 2021

what a week

 Well I'm back,  what a week, well it started out Tuesday was doing prep work for a test,ok

then it all went wrong.  I passed out , ended in the ER, was there till 9:pm, they run a LOT of

tests,  ended  spending the night in the hosp.  the next day  another test,  all that came out of that 

I didn't  break anything ,  I didn't have a stroke,  just a big knot above my eye, and was sore all

over . came home . went  Fri. to do my other 2 tests .  got the 1st one done ,so after that one was done

and it was ok.  I didn't have to do the other one.  GOOD DAY IN THE MORNING!!

Well to end  this long tail, This Monday I had a follow-up, I have water in the ears , and that is what cause all this.  So I'm doing better.  That was my week.


Hootin Anni said...

So, how do you get rid of the water in your ears? Is there a medication?

Enjoy the Troll movies.

jel said...

you got it,

Saija said...

well for heaven's sake! glad you are home in one piece with nothing broken! i was thinking/praying for you this week ... now you have another layer of empathy to add to your many ... big big hugs ... Jesus loves you ...

Martha said...

Oh my, what an ordeal! I'm so glad you came through it all ok and are doing better now.

photowannabe said...

Good Grief, that's a terrible week but I'm glad you are okay and on the mend.
Stay safe and healthy!!!

Jim said...

O Goodness. I sure do hate to hear this, but also hope the meds do their thing. They might have called it Vertigo?

Jim said...

Forgot to mention that we will be praying for you and getting better and keeping in good spirit. Also liked your shooked looking emoji.