Saturday, January 28, 2012




Anonymous said...

So beautiful, I'm homesick enough and it's not fall, anymore! Sister you have a talented eye with a camera! I need to earn gas money for a trip to MO!

photowannabe said...

What a wonderful way to greet the day.

john malone said...

It is a wonderful way to greet the day NOT like the experience I had the other morning ---- recorded on my blog --- where I stumbled across thye body of a dead man

Jim said...

Such a pretty sunrise.
Were the clouds 'snow clouds?' :)

Rulan said...

Beautiful photo. Best time of day. :-)

Have a great week, sis.

jel said...

thanks boths sis, and pwb :)

no Mr.Jim, not snow cloud, we havn't had any real snow this winter.

john M , sorry ya had a bad morning, that day.