Tuesday, January 24, 2012



Jim said...

Hi JEL ~~ Your sky pictures are all sooooo pretty. I am prejudiced towards sunset and sunrise so of course my favorite was the 'red sky'.

You surprised me about your fishing until I figured that your version of catch and release was done with a camera. :) back to you, :) .

Herman is a family name here. My greats in grandfathers were named or had middle names as Herman. Uncles and greats there too.

john malone said...

I love the picture but am confused by bthe intriguing title; have I missed something?

jel said...

howdy Jim, thanks for stopping by,
and your comments, as for the fishing, I was going 4 some dry humor :) I like the name herman.

Hey John M,
thanks, I sometimes name my pictures, and this cloud , when I first took this shot liked like a man to me, but the more i look at it , it looks like a moose, and his name is herman, Does this un confuse you? :)

Rulan said...

Love your cloud photos. And your cloud banner up top of your blog is awesome.

Have a great day, sis. :-)

john malone said...

Herman the moose? I don't get it

jel said...

thank sis

john m,

it's just a cloud that looks like a
moose to me , and just named it herman, :)