Monday, October 22, 2007

don't that look like fun!


Anonymous said...

I love your new blog look!

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

It does!

Bob Bliss said...

Love the new look. But what is that photo?

Matthew said...

That is cool.

jel said...

thanks Bob, and Matthew!

I guess your are asking about the cloud pic. on the header,
that is a picture I took one morning afew years ago, the sun was coming up and the rays were coming out of the clouds, I thought it was so cool, I had to run in the house to get my camera!

preacherman said...

Look like a great time.
Great photo.

Bob Bliss said...

I was asking about the photo you just posted. But I see it now. Whose dog is it, yours?

jel said...

sorry bob,
didn't know you couldn't see it,
the dog belong to some friends of mine, and I was Dog sitting. it was nice fall day so I let them out and play, so we played in the leaves, that day!

jel said...

Thanks PM,

how are U feeling?
how are your wife and kids?

it's good to see that out and around! :)

Neva said...

Yes, it looks like the kind of fun everyone should have in the fall.

jel said...

Hey sis,
good to hear from ya!


photowannabe said...

Pure abandon and joy. Fun shot.

Stoogelover said...

Yes ... any time spent with a puppy or fun-loving dog is time well spent.

floots said...

might try that myself later :)
cheers - have a good week

Terry said...

Hey Jel...How much is that doggie in the autumn leaves??
....Terry wants to know!

Janice Thomson said...

Gosh that looks like fun! There's something very appealing about a pile of leaves to one be they human, dog, feline... :)

Anonymous said...

I too love this look. That house holds warm, yummy memories that will stay in my mind and heart forever! Hope to see you next summer!

Corry said...

That sure looks like fun!
Ahhh, to be a kid again and roll around in those leaves! Hmmm, I guess I don't have to be a kid to do that! haha.

Have a blessed one, dear sis.

God's Grace.