Tuesday, October 23, 2007

could ya use 1 today?


Anonymous said...

I always love a good laugh! It clears the brain and helps you forget whatever stress was consuming your thoughts. :)

Janice Thomson said...

Great graphic Janice! Did you do this?

jel said...

hey Lisa,
well hope this was one :)

Hi other me !
nope not mine, got it from and e-mail! thought it was funny :)

Beverly said...

Hi, Janice, I love the thought for the day. Laughter is a cure for a lot of what ails us.

Anonymous said...


This one is nice, I liked your barn post also. So much that I bookmarked the latter.
I have our old barn in a picture.

Jim (jimmiehov)

BTW, that whole farm is for sale now. Eastern Nebraska up in the hills between Omaha and Souix City, my sister and I now own it.
Did you want to buy another farm?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the chuckle!

photowannabe said...

Too funny Jel...laughter really does help.

preacherman said...

Good morning!
I set my coffee down befoe I clicked on your page so I'm a okay! :-)! Loved the good laugh for the day!
God bless and have a great day sister!