Thursday, November 02, 2006

wondering how many I caused!

got this in an e-mail, who ever did this , was very good!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wish I had a talent to paint like this. It's in my haert, but I can't get it on paper. Oh well, I love this!

jel said...

That's what I thought when I first seen it!

Hey friend!

Pat Paulk said...

Love the art work!!! Very intense!!

Live, Love, Laugh said...

I saw another pencil drawing one day that had Jesus reading the paper with tears flowing down his cheeks, I wish I would have bought it!!

Lori said...

Wow! This is great!

Corry said...

Goodmorning, Jel :-)

That's a beautiful pic.
I know I have caused many and I regret every one of them.

Have a great and blessed day, dear sister.

God's Grace.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Picture- very concerned and compassionate expression. Have a blessed day ? RON.