Monday, December 27, 2021

last part of the year

 Well  the last part of  last week went too fast,  but the first  part went too slow.

but  we got thought  better then the last time I had to do the colon thing,  but the Doc. was 

happy with the out I'm done with that for another 3 years.

So on to the good stuff.  So on CHRISTmas eve,  hubby and I go the Bennett Spring Park,

to look for eagles and other stuff to take pictures of,  this year it was warm, and there were 

a lot of people there. so we didn't  stay long,  but I did  get some good  shots.

OH that picture on top is the bench that I sat on at the park.

I hope you all had a good CHRISTmas.  WE DID!!


photowannabe said...

I'm so glad that the colon test is done and the outcome was good. That certainly made CHRISTmas the best.
Love the picture of the bench and look forward to seeing eagle photos too.

Jim said...

I'm glad your colon thing went well. And that then you CHRISTmas was also good. Benches by the water are one of my favorite things. You would find quite a few benches on my blog if you searched. Some tell a story.
Now it is time for me to wish you guys a "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

Saija said...

YAY! Thank you Jesus! How wonderful to end this year with good news ... big hugs to you ... and praise to GOD who showers us with all good things ... let 2022 be the year of Jesus ... in us, around us and speaking through us ...