Does anybody know some Pastors, around Blogland , if you do, show them how much, by take them out to lunch, or take them a box doughnuts, and lets not forget the pastors family, there are a lot of thing one can do for your Pastor and his family!
Good idea!
I wish some of the wonderful Pastors I've inter-met lived closer so I could do that each day. ;-)
Thank you for the reminder to take care of our Pastors and his family.
I this goes for the pastors that aren't on the blogland too! :)
Thank you for posting this, Janice. It is very thoughtful of you. May God bless you.
A church we served back in Kansas would remember us this way and it was nice. And for us pastors, it would be nice to remember our area ministers who do not have churches but a group of pastors under theiur care. They are the closest thing we have as a pastor so it's a good reminder to honor them. Our executive minister spoke a coupleyears back and our church gave him a cd and a card of appreciation.
Thanks Janice for the comment. We wouldn't be able to do if it wasn't for the people in the congregation. So I thank you all that go to church. For letting us pastor's do our jobs that God has given us. And incourageing us when we need it. Thank you all.
Janice that is a excellent sugestion and very thoughtfull, but these Southern Bapist Preachers down here love to eat and my little check each month I would have to float a loan to feed Bro. Gordon? I hope he don't read this and get upset I'm just testing his reactions. Ilove him and his family a great deal and if he was hungry I would give him my last slice of light bread! LOL. RON.
LOL Bro Ron, don't they have 3 for a buck hot dogs there? :)
instead of food, a person could babysit for the night or day what ever , and they could go out on a date , with each other of course :)
Janice I guess I could kill a good mess of squirrels and take to him, so he won't have to work so hard to get a good mess or while I was there I could give him some good shooting tips ? Blessings . RON.
there ya go! that ya work! :)
he might need some shooting tips , after he let that one give him the run around!
Hey Tom good to see you!
We are having a special supper for our pastor and his wife this month. We'll take homemade soups and sandwiches and instead of the regular service (this will be on a Sunday evening) there will be special music provided by the choir and others in the church who sing well. I'm looking forward to it.
sounds very cool!
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