this is my fav. verse
Isaiah 40:31
this is a picture of an eagle, taking off from a tree by a river, One day we went for a drive , after church, and was driving to a state park that we live by, and my husband saw this eagle sitting in a tree, by the river , so we went to see if I could get a shot of it, I have been trying to get a shot , for a long time, well the good Lord smile on me that day, I got to get a few shoot of the eagle before it took of!
IT was a very good day! :)
have a great week
I love the eagles, the way they fly. It would be so cool to live where there are eagles.
Hi Rulan,
it is an Awesome sight to see! :)
thanks for stopping by.
take care And God bless
Great scripture, great picture. Bless you Janice.
That is one of my favorite verses of scripture.
Christian musician, Phil Driscoll, put it to music (as have others). It is my favorite rendition.
the scripture is AWESOME!
and thanks , it was a cool day when I got thoes pictures
have a great Day !
Glad to see ya!
I have copy of the song, with this
verses of scripture, and I love it!
thanks for stopping by!
hi to your wife, and hope your mom is doing ok!
God's blessing !
Dear Sister Janice,
I love Isaiah 40:31. I love to watch eagles as they soar in the sky...
Sister Rulan, eagles don't "fly" they soar with the air current:-) That makes them 'magnificent'!
I love that verse too. Eagles are so beautiful and graceful...Thank the Lord that He allows us to soar as they do!
Brother Godwyn, and M.C.
thanks for stopping by :)
God Bless!
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