Thursday, November 22, 2012



john malone said...

it's a lovely quotation which I have not heard for a while; our cups indeed overfloweth. And hey! I just love your blog pic: as you're headinhg into winter we're heading into summer; tomorrow for instance will hit 37 degrees which is 100 in the Fahrenheit system. Stay cool :)

Beverly said...

Hi, Janice,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

jel said...

Hey John M,
sounds like ya r the one to StayCool tomorrow, :)

as for us, we got a COLD front coming though! burr ;

Hi Bev.
hope ya had a good one too!

photowannabe said...

Happy Thanksgiving just a bit belated. the thought is just as meaningful though.
Being thankful is an everyday attitude.

john malone said...

hit 40 degrees today, Jel --- about 105 in the old Fahrenheit system but there's showers now and a cool change moving in; in the mid 70s for the next seven days at least

Anonymous said...

That's been too many years, don't even have that table, anymore.