Tuesday, May 15, 2012

some of FFlag's friends


Jim said...

Hi JEL ~~ I like your Ms. Fanny Flag's friends. Her backless dress was a hoot! :)

Will she be a continuing guest? I have met her in another life as she decorated the face of a couple of cards in my deck (Old Maid).

Been gone for a MONTH but now we are back for a spell. I like your new header picture. It might be taken at the Lake of the Ozarks? One of my first cousins lives there, Don and his wife, Phylis.

jel said...

Thanks Mr. Jim,

she might guested blog 4 me sometimes. :)

glad ya made it back,

as for the lake, that is Tater Lake.

Dave said...

Haven't seen this blog before Jel. Nice flowers those flag iris' huh? - Dave

jel said...

this is my main Blog, I thought you have been here berfore?