very strange: I did leave A COMMENT ON THIS ONE but it seems to have disappeared; I love red c ardinals but not sure if they love icicles: a are sight where we live in Adelaide where the temperature rarely falls below 2 degrees celsius ---- still that's c old enough
hey John, this is the only comment I have seen on this post, from ya.
the Cardinals that I'm talking about are the baseball team from Mo. and the Freez that Iwas talking about Was David Freez a cards player, who won the MVP! :)
oh, As an Austrlian and a South Austrlian at that ---- Adelaide is my caoital city ---- these references I would not have picked up. Still a good picture
I'd say Poppy was us there pulling a few strings! Ha Pop sure loved his Cards! One of my last memories was him listening to their game on the radio, stitting in the dark in that recliner a friend gave him.Never knew anyone who could get so much enjoyment out of the simplest things in life! We'd all do well to live life as he did! Love, NVSIS
very strange: I did leave A COMMENT ON THIS ONE but it seems to have disappeared; I love red c ardinals but not sure if they love icicles: a are sight where we live in Adelaide where the temperature rarely falls below 2 degrees celsius ---- still that's c old enough
hey John,
this is the only comment I have seen on this post, from ya.
the Cardinals that I'm talking about are the baseball team from Mo. and the Freez that Iwas talking about Was David Freez a cards player, who won the MVP! :)
They played good, JEL! Your picture is very fitting. A royal bird and a royal team!
I was pulling for them because they are an NFL team as are our Houston Astros who ended up last of any other team in either league.
Thank you for the nice BD wish post.
oh, As an Austrlian and a South Austrlian at that ---- Adelaide is my caoital city ---- these references I would not have picked up. Still a good picture
Hello, jel...just want to say hello... :) :) what a nice pic' looks like a do you get that effect? Beautiful...your friend, Jim...
hope ya had a nice bday, Mr. Jim
hey JC, thanks for stopping by, hope all is well your way.
Photo shop is how , :)
I'd say Poppy was us there pulling a few strings! Ha Pop sure loved his Cards! One of my last memories was him listening to their game on the radio, stitting in the dark in that recliner a friend gave him.Never knew anyone who could get so much enjoyment out of the simplest things in life! We'd all do well to live life as he did!
Two good teams. Not a MLB fan but what little I do follow them, I would have liked to see either win.
hey sis, that he did! :) huggs
hey Greg, glad ya stoped by, hope all is well out there.
Dad was a big Cards fan,
we didn't watch any of the games,
had to listen too it.
to truth we glad the Cards won,
but we were kind of hoping the Rangers would have won, But don't tell Trey , I said that. ;)
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