Monday, February 02, 2009

The Super Bowl,

was a very close game last night , But it was a good game, it wasn't a blowout, and both teams played their hearts out ! but there had to be one winner and one loser,

And the Steel Curtain won! My husband is a card carrying Steelers fan , from the 70's

and i root for them too! but last night I was rooting for the Cards too!

so in away i (we) got something to crow about the STEELERS winning!

but then I feel like this baby that the Cards lost!


Calfkeeper said...

That baby is too cute!

Hubby and I figured if anyone asked us if we were going to watch the SB, we were going to tell them we don't like bowling.

heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

Howdy my friend.
Sorry, I haven't been much of a blogger buddy of late.

But ....... we do think of you often.:)

Stoogelover said...

That baby's face shows my basic attitude toward any NFL game. But because the Cardinal's QB is a strong Christian man / father / husband, I had to pull for him and was a bit disappointed he does not get a ring this time around.

photowannabe said...

the baby is a riot.

photowannabe said...

the baby is a riot.

Felisol said...

Hi, jel,
you've got the rare ability to see a case from both sides.
That's a rare gift.
From Felisol