Saturday, August 02, 2008

my puter bit the dust!!!
2weeks without one is not a purty thing ! just asked my husband! :)

I went begging a good friend to use her's

hope too c y'all soon

thank you!!!!


photowannabe said...

So sorry to hear that. Hope you are up and running again real soon.

Saija said...

awwww ... hope you get up and running soon ...

in the meanwhile, the clouds will still appear daily - for your viewing and photo pleasure!


Fred said...

Oh, my...what a tragedy! I hope you're back soon!

Stoogelover said...

Bummer, but it does explain your absence.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

'puter or a putter? If you are a golfer the latter would be even harder to do w/out. Wishing you a new 'puter!

Anonymous said...

Well...... hmmmmm.


preacherman said...

Glad your back.
Enjoy your blog.
Have a great week sis!

Ca... said...

I know it'd be hard but try not to panic!!'chuckle'

Jim said...

I've been wondering wha'hoppn? Most libraries will let you use their computers also, but only for an hour or so if other people are waiting.
Hang in there! BTW, this is why you don't throw your old computers away, they can come in handy. :-)

Anonymous said...

I stopped by the other day, but didn't leave a comment. But, I'd been wondering what had happened to you, Jan. I hadn't seen you here or over at Finding Direction, either.

I sure hope you're back soon, girl! I HATE it when I have computer problems or it goes down.


Love you and hope to have you back with us soon.

Cheers & Blessings to you all today!


Robin said...

I've been missing seeing your pics... hope the computer situation is resolved soon.

Terry said...

Dear Sunshine..It is not as bright in blog land without you!!
Love Terry

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey -- you there way up there in Missouri ,can you hear me ?

Well I tried to holler loud enough but I guess the heat was so bad that my message melted before it got across the river ?

Been missing my fly-by huggs

I hope you can get going soon.

Calfkeeper said...

Saw jel yesterday at computer yet. She's hanging in there and getting housework done.

Hubby said maybe there won't be a new computer. You can guess what she said to that.


Anonymous said...

Hope you are able to be about again soon. Missing you.