Monday, September 24, 2007

hey there Bud, did ya know that there is a new blogger in town?

No Buzz, I didn't. who is it?

She a friend of mine, and her name is calfkeeper, it would be real nice of ya, if you would go over and welcome her to blogland,

well where can I go to say hi to her,

ya can go here and leave her a note! thank you


preacherman said...

I love dogs.
Those two dogs are so cute.
All the wrickles.

Corry said...

Well... if Janice recommends it, then we must pay her a visit! :-)


God's Grace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks LB!

how are U


Beverly said...

Hi, Janice,
I'm sorry I haven't been by. I need to put you in my sidebar so that I come every day to see your photos and thoughts.

Ella is doing o.k. even though she cultured a bad bacteria in her throat at the last doctor's appointment. She's taking her medicine well, and she'll go back to the doctor October 8 for another culture to see how she's doing. I'll be up there so I'll get to go to the visit with her.

My son says that she is such a happy baby, and that has been the case anytime I've been there.

Thanks for praying for her.

photowannabe said...

Such darling pups. I love the conversation you added. I will visit your friends blog too.

Calfkeeper said...

Thank you for the plug, jel.

The dogs are so cute1

Stoogelover said...

Love wrinkled puppies!