Thursday, May 31, 2007


Anonymous said...

definitely a

Terry said...

Yeh for sure a fish Brain.
A sun fish!

Hi Jel!!! You are the sunshine!!Love Terry

Neva said...

Beautiful. I think it looks like a great fish that just expelled a well-known prophet


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Its got to be a fish

Jim said...

It's a cloud!
I have a picture like that too, I know it was a cloud that I took.

jel said...

Sorry everyone Jim got it right it's a cloud! :)
hope ya are doing better Jim,

how are ya doing, S.O.? glad ya stoped by.

have missed ya Terry,

Neva, huggs

thanks for the visit, little bro.

Pat Paulk said...

Yep, a mommy cloud fish and a baby cloud fish.

Mike Minzes said...

A puff of smoke from the pipe of an old man who is telling his grandkids a wonderful story of his childhood.


jel said...

Morning Pat,

that a good one, Mike! do you his blowing smoke ? :)

Janice Thomson said...

Looks to me like trees with the leaves blowing off in the's that for being totally off the wall?...great pic Janice

Paul Champagne said...

You're all wrong, it is either a whale or a dolphin ... both of these are mammals and not fish.

Or it could just be a cloud

jel said...

janice ~ooooook, :) (I feel like I'm talking to myself) :)

hey Paul, you could be right ! :)

floots said...

hope it's blue skies all week for you jel :)