I'm back, but I'm going to have to repost some pictures, because I can't get my pc, to read backup pictures cd, and I don't want to take it back again this soon, I don't like change, :(
well anyway, hope you all are doing good! :)
I picked this picture, because of the words on it .
have you ever read the word to this song, ( JOy COMES IN THE MORNING!!!) I did this past week, and I started crying , and I haven't cryed like that in a very long time!
Welcome back Janice...good to see you....have missed your posts....
God bless
Welcome back! It's great to see you again. If that song is the one I'm thinking of, it's a lovely song. I pray those tears were good tears.
Good to see you back. Thank God for His gift of joy!
the pic is beautiful, and a gift of joy awaits each of us every morning.
Hi, Janice,
I too love that thought and the song.
Hi Janice ~~ Welcome back. Your picture with the saying on it is beautiful. We are so fortunate that Joy DOES come with the morning. Thanks for your comments.
Take care, Merle.
Donna, thanks it does feel go to be back :)
Rulan, the tears were a mix of happy, sad,
Cameron,& David thanks and yes thank God for his gift !
hi Beverly, thanks for the visit, and it is a sweet song
howdy Merle, and thank you for stopping by, we are fortunate :)
have a great day you all
Many gifts of joy in this universe, you are definitely one. I praise God for you, sister.
Jel. Thank for visting my site, and yes I wrote all the poems there. I hope that your enjoyed you stay and will come again. I never heard the song Joy Comes In The Morning. Who sings it?
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