Don't be caught Napping!
I'm back, but I'm going to have to repost some pictures, because I can't get my pc, to read backup pictures cd, and I don't want to take it back again this soon, I don't like change, :(
well anyway, hope you all are doing good! :)
I picked this picture, because of the words on it .
have you ever read the word to this song, ( JOy COMES IN THE MORNING!!!) I did this past week, and I started crying , and I haven't cryed like that in a very long time!
Morning children, hope you all had a safe 4th!
Well I'm going to repost a picture, the reasoning is this, for one I like the pic,and 2nd it is a reminder to myself, that I need to use my mouth less and my ears more!
As for the other 2 pic, the first one is of some baby ducks , that were at the river, that we were fishing at. at first I didn't think I was fast enough to get the shot , but you can see them.
and this 3rd pic, I thought it was peaceful, Well sometime this week , the pc will be going back to the shop, and I don't know when i will get it back, so if you don't hear from me for a time, know I'm thinking of you all,
Have a great week, and God Bless you ! :)